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Pieno di Grazia (Full of Grace)

Representing over 200 years of ancestral recipes passed down in my grandmother’s family from Pitigliano, Italy, Pieno di Grazia (Full of Grace) is far more than a collection of recipes. Pieno di Grazia originates from generation of Italian cooks and shares the philosophy of Carlo Petrini founder of the Slow Food Movement in Tuscany and the Accademia Italiana della Cucina to preserve Italian gastronomy and cooking tradition.

My grandmother's cooking was centered around investing time in meal preparation. Although it seems today's society doesn't have time to cook, it raises the larger theme of creating memories in the home. Great meals bring everything together: tradition, family, love, conversation, and of course great Italian wines.

It is my hope this book changes people's minds in the kitchen to slow down, cook with their loved ones and sustain our Italian culinary tradition for another 200-300 years.

This cookbook is currently available for representation. Preview the book's sample pages in this 50-Page Excerpt.

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